show me the way ;
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
~ 11:16 AM ~
ok i know this post is like damn late.. haha but since i only uploaded the photos from my phone yerterday to the com, this post can only come now.. haha celebrated my sista's b'day on erm i forgot when haha... no lah how can i forgot... u r so gonna kill m if i do... celebrated on nov 7th... went to new york new york and treated her... ok realise we can really eat man!!! cost me like 50 over bucks for 2 ppl!!!! and there were some much food!!! couldn't finish in the end... i always don't learn my lesson... we always like to order and order den end up cnt finish... pls girl can u control urself!!!! next time we just order main course 1st.. if still can eat den order! haha... ok but the food there is really nice lah... not say very very superb but i do recommend u people to go there cos it's quite a nice place there! no wonder i always see queues there... got to go early if u dun want to face the crowd...

ok and i realise sth... posting photos on blog really make the blog look nicer... realise my blog has been so super darn boring!!!! haha photos brighten up the blog! hehe..

lots and lots of food!!! looks good huh!?

ok my horrendous look... haha

and her always acting demure look!!! stop it! u r not demure k haha!

can remember wat's this is called. but it's just wedges and some sauces... taste like nachos dips anyway...
ok boring root beer float... she always drinks boring same old stuff haha...

i think this is the buffalo wings.. not bad though.

fish and chips... ok don't look like those u will get from a restaurant rite... so plain and boring like from hawker centre haha... but the fish is big!! filling!!

ok our sumptuous spread! and see that orangy pinkish drink? it's nice!! ordered by me of course haha... but can't remember wat's it called heezz too long ago liao... yum yum!!!


~ 10:49 AM ~

had a good X'mas eve yesterday. spent time with my dearie dear sister cum mother haha... been long since we met. but still got lots to talk about haha. glad to know she doing ok. went to watch movie, "I am Legend" not bad though but it's not fantastic. wanna watch national treasure too!! went shooping as well!!! haha feels so good!!! been long since i shop lor. but shopping really cost! so i should really do less of this haha. maybe sports will be a better choice heezz. had a great lunch cum dinner cum supper at cafe cartel. and thanks to her i was stuffed!! and i mean STUFFED and not STARVe.. my stomach was so gonna explode man... stop forcing me to eat!! i told ya i'm full!!! can't even finish my main course still u went to order BANANA SPLIT!!! anyway it wasn't really nice oso... haiz wasted... next time we meet u r so gonna die man! i'm gonna stuff u too!!!! haha but still had a great X'mas eve. can't wait to meet up again! and hey wait where's my X'mas gift ah?? my organizer pls! haha

got a Lilo and Stitch lanyard yesterday!! so happy!!! haha was trying to look for a lanyard for quite a while and guess what?! the lilo and stitch lanyard just appeared!!!! haha praise God! bought a nice handphone pouch. luckily didn't buy those ugly ones at the pasar malam. very limited choices also. haha!!

Lastly Blessed Blessed X'mas everyone!! Enjoy urself this X'mas and i'm sure i'm gonna enjoy myself too cos this year was so so good!! Thank Him!!! haha and I love YOU DADDY!!! you rock big time DADDY!

forgot to take pictures of the food when it first came... so all these are half-eaten ones... and my pork chops ar so damn big!!! ate one and was full already!!! how can i finish 3!!!!! goodness gracious!

that's her horribly eaten pasta with sambal chilli... sounds weird but taste ok... spicy!! and shiok!!

really couldn't finish my main course... so gonna murder someone!! haha!

tt's my sister!!!! trying to act demure and nice... actually she's not!!!! she's very very violent.. beware!!

ok i'm lazy to use both hands... tried to use only the fork to cut the pork chop but failed... haha..


Tuesday, December 04, 2007
~ 10:14 AM ~
don't really feel like studying anymore.. just want to go take the paper... but got to wait till tmr afternoon!!! haiz... sianzzz... i'm reaching saturation pt man... or i guess have reached... just feel so tired out... it seems like i'm reading the same thing over and over again yet it just can't go inside my mind...can't slp last night again... tried slping early at like 3 end up slping at4... haha... so dumb.. was planning wat to do after the exams... meeting up friends is a must!!!! was asked by my cg mate whether to watch enchanted... asked by my bmt mate whether to watch enchanted... asked by my bestie whether to watch enchanted... izit so nice??!! haha dunnoe who to go with... haha but whoever who bless me with free tics i'll definitely go with u.. realised tt ever since i step into NUS i've nv been to the theatres.. haven't watch a movie yet... so deprived... weekends seems to be filled with so much work or rather sleep... geeez... got to make up this hols... i'm so gonna watch all the shows i wanted to watch... i'm gonna rent lots of shows!!! ahaa... miss doing sports as well... cycling,jogging,bmt,squash,tennis, volleyball!!! so much to do in so little time... miss east coast... miss the beach & the sun...miss the courts... miss the smash,lift,lob,tap,net haha... miss the shuttlebabes... oh man... 2 more days!!!!!! and i break free!!! haha


Monday, December 03, 2007
~ 10:17 AM ~
i'm feeling tired... wonder izit those late nights tt's doing me in. but i had plenty of sleep during the weekends.. a total of 21hrs!!! shouldn't feel tired isn't it? haiz... hate exams... 2 more papers to go... it seems such a long way.. still have much to do yet i'm blogging!!! i'm blogging!!! haiz.. dumb ass... i'm feeling drained dunnoe why.. i shouldn't feel tt way.. give me th strength & energy i need!!!! but the weird thing is tt i'm not stressed up... just tired... haiz... after the exams i'm so gonna slp man!!! sleep for days i dun care.. i just need my sleep!!! haha

Oh nearly forgot.. got to mention my best friend cum sister.. Shirley Ang Mei Mei... haha happy girl?! i didn't forget u k.. meet up after my exams k.. ur treat this time... haha for X'mas!! yeah!!! i want sth nice!!


Saturday, November 24, 2007
~ 2:52 PM ~
had my 1st paper today. was really anxious and jittery last night... dunnoe why. guess it's because it's my 1st paper and i just feel that i'm not really prepared. butterflies, bees and all sort of insects were in my stomach. ^_^

Spoke to Him before i slept. felt so much better. my heart just calmed down like almost immediately. He is so so good! But i couldn't sleep! toss and turn till like 3 plus!! must be the late nights that's causing this. arrggg! but i guess i'm still gonna sleep late anyway. haha feels more energetic at night. i'm officially a nocturnal animal!!! haha. been long since i blog but i just want to praise Him so much that i'm back to blogging! heezzz..

ok anyway i just want to say the paper turn out to be good. not because i'm good of course but it's Him. no doubts k! i was kind of stuck rite from the start at the 1st page!!! can u imagine! omg! but answers soon started to flow. cos of u know who! haha. it was good and i believe it will be good and it is good! all my papers shall be good! Amen!!

cg yesterday was fabulous! though there was no message just praise and worship, i enjoyed myself. was touched. great cg mates!! love them. and just to share, i found a fabulous website with very nice songs! lots of fabulous songs in it.

I Believe in GRACE!!

~ 12:51 PM ~
Nice and touching song. Love it!

Nicole Nordeman

We rode into town the other day
Just me and my daddy
He said I'd finally reached that age
And I could ride next to him on a horse
That of course was not quite as wide

We heard a crowd of people shouting
And so we stopped to find out why
And there was that man that my dad said he loved
But today there was fear in his eyes

So I said daddy why are they screaming
Why are the faces of some of them beaming?
Why is he dressed in that bright purple robe?
I'll bet that crown hurts him more then he shows
Daddy please can't you do something?
He looks as though he's gonna cry
You said he was stronger then all of those guys
Daddy please tell me why?
Why does everyone want him to die?

Later that day the sky grew cloudy
And daddy said I should go inside
Somehow he knew things would get stormy
Boy was he right
But I could not keep from wondering
If there was something he had to hide
So after he left I had to find out
I was not afraid of getting lost
So I followed the crowds
To a hill where I knew men had been killed
And I heard a voice come from the cross

And it said father why are they screaming?
Why are the faces of some of them beaming?
Why are they casting their lots for my robe?
This crown of thorns hurts me more then it shows
Father please can't you do something?
I know that you must hear my cry
I thought I could handle a cross of this size
Father remind me why?
Why does everyone want me to die?
When will I understand why?

My precious son
I hear them screaming
I'm watching the face of the enemy beaming
But soon I will clothe you in robes of my own
Jesus this hurts me much more then you know
But this dark hourI must do nothing
Though I've heard your unbearable cry
The power in your blood
Destroys all of the lies
Soon you'll see past their unmerciful lies

Look there below
See the child
Trembling by her father's side
Now I can tell you why
She is why you must die

Thursday, November 22, 2007
~ 11:09 AM ~
Exams Exams Exams. Everyone here faces it. Some goes through it without much feeling. Maybe they are just too good or they just don't care. But most of us face difficulties. I feel so suffocated. So much to do yet so little time. Not enough sleep. In fact i dread sleeping cos whenever I wake up to a new day, I feel that I have 1 day lesser to study. and time really flies (cliche) but it so true... not really in the mood to study as well. Wonder what's wrong. I wanna do well! Fact is everyone wants to so how am i gonna shine?

It's You! You cheer me up. Whenever i speak to You i feel so much better. You light up my life. haha.. Wonder what will happen if You were not there. My worries just go whenever i think of You. I wanna lead a stress free life and work only to rest. Only You can help me fulfill it. Thank You and i'm glad you found me!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007
~ 10:41 PM ~
ok been long since i post cos i forgot totally tt i actually have a blog... been really busy with my school work... ok feeling kind of stressed cos everything seems new... and m staying in the hall so kind of miss home too... but i guess i'm getting used to it alrdy. not really missing home and dun feel really stressed up anymore... wondering if tt is a good sign... at least now i dun cry whenever i thk of sch work and the amt of documents i got to read and rmb, the tutorials i got to do... the upcoming projectsssss and i mean projectSSSSS!!! anyway i'm kind of slacking now. watching entertainment show online... drats!!! now tt i noe there's this website with lots of show i'm afraid i'll neglect my studies... haiz better not studying is still better lah... haha guess i gonna stay till really late tonight cos tml's lesson is in the afternoon!!! 12pm haha good rite... guess i'll just stop here... gonna study!!!!


Saturday, August 04, 2007
~ 1:30 AM ~
Wow my hall orientation has finally ended. It was erm... FUN FUN FUN!!! tt's a very simple word but it really means a lot. was really lost when i first came cos i couldn't find anyone who is in the same hall as me. kind of sad and lonely at 1st. but this hall is really different and i mean DIFFERENT! they r really nice ppl and it really makes me feel at home with so many friends around (though we just met like 5 days ago). there r ppl from all over the world be it m'sia, china, mauritius, india, korea etc etc. it just so amazing getting to noe them and u noe tt u have a bunch of international friends.

Orientation has always been like a boring thing mainly games, cheers (shout till lose ur voice) and all the usual things lah. But this orientation is just so different. even the very 1st game ice-breaker is like DIFFERENT. we used real ice and oh man it kinda kick started the fun-filled weeks. though of course there r boring moments like talks but i guess it's inevitable bah. Today i guess was the best and dirtiest. But i enjoyed myself thoroughly! Thanks KEWOC! u guys rock man!

ok and btw i went for computing orientation yesterday (darn missed the chance to go to sentosa with my hall mates) and i kinda regretted it. it seems like they were kind of disorganised. like ice-breaking game were thought of at the spot and erm basically we did nth much except to walk around and listen to talks. the talks were kinda impt esp to someone like me (no computing background) so i apparently had to go but really really regretted it man. ok and 1 thing i'm not happy abt is the way they put ppl on the different groups. when freshies sign up, they can actually choose which group they want and of course u can expect those who noe each other would come together. and hey u got it... they just hang around together in tt group and as for me (didn't actually tot of going to same group as my friend as i was thking i shld make new friends) i was kinda alone with those who is alone as well. din;t really like make MORE friends which i expect i should. haha. once the ice-breakng thing started oh man KEVII just came into my mind. the fun times just flashed across my mind and i had the urge to go back. it's just totally different. it not tt i wanna compare or complain but i thk the compclub gotta do sth abt this man. it just so unorganised and i guess they mainly just plan the overview and did not go further into details. my ogls were kinda like the quiet kind too (ok not all my ogls k) so it was like boring. haha ok ok stop complaining!

gonna go for nus cg orientation tml or rather today... kinda excited and it seems tt it's gonna be real fun cos NCC's activities has always been fantastic. haha.

ok regarding uni studies. feeling quite stress even b4 lessons even started. ok NUS uses this CORS system where u will have to bid for ur modules. it's unlike jc,sec,pri where lessons and classes r all allocated and all u have to do is to attend them. no need to worry at all cos everything is like planned for us already. but in uni it's really time to be independent. we got to use points to bid for the modules we one. so it's like there's a limited quota as to how much tt particular lecture can take and we have to use the point to bid for the tutorial. if demand exceed supply, and u loses the bid, u dun get to do the module! but of course for freshies like us, we shld of course be able to get the modules lah cos they r like CORE modules. if we dun get we can continue for the rest of the years. but i'm still stressed over the modules i gotta take. other than our faculty module we still got GEMS lah, S'pore studies lah and breadth modules... it seems like there's a lot of things to take and 1 thing is if i wanna continue stayinig in this wonderful hall i have to be active and i mean really active! so how m i gonna cope!? seniors say time-management is impt but haven we been hearing this same old thing since we started schooling. we have only 24hrs a day! if we slp 8 full hrs, we'r left with 16hrs. den say abt 6 hrs of tutorials and lectures, we r left with 10hrs. den we nedd time to do our tutorials and revise say 5hrs (which obviously is not enough). we'r left with another 5hrs. lunch dinner breakfast,bathing and things like tt take 1.5hrs. so now left with 3.5hrs. so only 3.5 hrs a day to take part in hall or sch activities. that obviously is also insufficient! ahhh!!!!

uni life= boring + fun + busy + stressful + make friends+ study + study + study! + ..........

actually got lotsa things to share but m really tired. have been slping late and waking early for this week and tml oh i mean today i gotta wake up early as well. but if u wan to noe more i'm glad to share with u! haha anyway dun thk u guys want to know so much also cos i thk my post is long-winded enough already


about me

* Shuling
* 07/09/1988
* Virgo
* EVPS, DMSS, TPJC, Shuttlebabes,
* Reborn on 09/04/2006


* Pass exams with good result(no need flying colours.. :P)
* Nice Lilo & Stitch Organiser (waiting for mich to bless me!!! no need to crack ur head for X'mas gift. heezz)
* Shopping!
* Movies!
* Read books i've been longing to read.. dratzzz
* Meet up with the shuttlebabes
* Meet up with my dear sista... (dun thk too much... talking abt YOU!!)
* Go to the beach
* Do sports (of course is those i like lah... *bleah)
* Go travelling (doubt i have the time though)
* Stay tune... more to come!

leave a note


* Mich Lee
* Alison
* Mush
* Jing Fang
* Carlene
* June
* Meiyi
* Serene
* Shahirah
* Weiling
* Yilin
* Shuttlebabes
* Mich Loo
* Kim
* Khang Jing
* Patricia
* Chee Leong
* Grace
* Wan Yee
* Xiao Yan
* Zuo Han
* Stefanie
* Chun Yan
* Jun Hao
* Izzulwan
* Qifan
* Bernice
* Joey
* Kenneth
* Jeremy
* Shirley


* July 2006* August 2006* September 2006* October 2006* November 2006* December 2006* January 2007* February 2007* March 2007* April 2007* May 2007* July 2007* August 2007* November 2007* December 2007

Music Scores

* Midi and Scores Downloads
* Guitar Scores
* Guitar Scores 2
* Piano Scores
* Piano Scores 2
* Hillsongs guitar scores and lyrics


